Does NBA games style become pay more attention to offense and give up defense?

Interview about Rose for the NBA defence, video from Youtube

“No one in the NBA is serious about defending now,” said by Derrick Rose, a famous player in Minnesota. (Resource from Zhiboba)

Through the interview, Rose expressed some real opinion that nowsdays players pay more attention to offense and forget to defense compared with 15 years ago and it lacks of body opposition in many games. So is this the new trend for NBA, through my observation, I honestly to anwser you: Yes, it is.

There is a new trend of NBA that many teams pay more effort to train their offensive stratergy and they are lack of  attention on the defensive aspect. A large part of teams think they can use the offence to win the game.

Let’s through some pictures to see what happen on the game in first ten years in 21 century as below:

“detroit pistons win nba championship 2004 defense”的图片搜索结果
3 players wanted to block Kobe in the 2004 finals, photo from
“Tim Duncan Defense”的图片搜索结果
Tim Duncan and his team mates disturbed Gasol’s defense, photo from
“NBA 2008 Celtics-Lakers finals”的图片搜索结果
3 lakers players worked hard to block pierce’s shooting, photo from

It’s easy to find that there is a fierce body opposition in these three pictures and at that time most players believed that a team need to give a good performance in defense to win the games and it’s easy to find a game’s result like 98-90. It’s really hard for a team to get 120 points a game due to his competitor’s defense.

Players pay more attention to defense at that time because they deemed that they can win the games by defense rather than offensive. They put their energy to disturb the competitor’s shot and catch the rebounds.

However, games’ style change a lot in the recent years. with the retirement of old players and the prevalence of the offensive strategy,  players shifted their focus to the offense and every day’ . There are many teams can pass than 120 points and some teams may lose even though they get 120 point as their competitors get more than 130 points.

We can also enjoy some bad defense form GIFer as below:

“bad defense gif”的图片搜索结果

The first two GIFs show the “eye defense” of James Harden and in the third gif, we can find that the player shot without any defense and actually this phenomenon appears a lot in current seasons.

In fact, although this new trend may make audience enjor more defensive behaviour, it’s not a good phenomenon for the whole game development. Many people including me also want to see some fierce body opposition.

Wish NBA teams can pay more attention to defense and give our a better game!

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One Comment Add yours

  1. Chi Yang says:

    Nowadays, most NBA team shoot 3 pointers more. They will use any opportunity to have a wide shot and shoot 3 pointers. Some players are lazy too defence as they wanted to converse their energy more on offence.


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