
The blogger’s protrait

Hi, This is Hanyi’s blog which is mainly related to the NBA due to the fact that I’m a big fan of it. Through this blog, you can find some attractive content of NBA and some original articles with details to analyze some NBA teams or some players. If you are keen to watch NBA, come on guys, follow me and this blog will take you go insight to it.

About me, I’m a third year journalism student in Xiamen University Malaysia. I’m from China, Shandong province, which is located in the north east part of China. My biggest hobby is to watch NBA and I think I’m a die-hard fan of it. I have already watched NBA for more than 10 years.

Meanwhile, from my user name, I think you,the clever guy would know my favourite team.

The title “Run as one” not only for the Rockets team but also for you and me.“Run as one” actually is a slogan of Huston Rockets(A team in NBA), The meaning of this slogan is that the team hopes all players can have a good cooperation with each other, the whole team can build a better team chemistry. I wish we can build this chemistry like players. We can believe each other and help each other.