Less tanking, more competitive, better NBA

If you are the die-hard fan of NBA and you pay for  a game with great expectation, but you find actually the game is boring beyond your imagination as one team want to lose game deliberately.  What’s you feeling? Disappointment, sadness and even outrage. This is what NBA tanking brings to its fans. NBA tanking…

The different prediction on Southeast Division in NBA

Recently, I read a post about the prediction on Southeast Division published by the Joel Deering who has 1252 followers on WordPress. The title is that “2018-19 NBA Predictions: Southeast Division and the content is about the speculation of the 5 teams’ season behaviour and final record in Southeast Division. The post link is as…

More than 60% respondents believe that this season’s competition in Western League is the most fierce one in the history

In a blog I wrote before, I mentioned the current situation in Western League: an extreme fierce competition. If you want to have a look, please click here: jrn1609034xmu.wordpress.com/2018/11/25/a-crazy-western-league-14-teams-compete-for-8-positions-of-palyyoffs/ This week, I conducted an online survey for 40 NBA die-hard fans to study their attitudes and opinions on this condition. The below is the survey result and anyone can access it:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-N388TV7DV/ There are many…

VBlog: What NBA brings to me

Hi, I’m Zhao Hanyi, a third-year journalism student in Xiamen University Malaysia. I’m a big fan of NBA and a die-hard fan of Rockets team. I have been watched NBA for more than ten years and I think NBA accompanies my youth and we still have a long way to stay with each other in…

A crazy Western League: 14 teams compete for 8 positions of playoffs

If your favourate team is in the Western League, your should know that it faces a fierce competition with other 13 teams excluding the Suns. As the graph shows below, it’s easy to find that from the top to fourteenth positon in Western League standings, there is a narrow gap. The Ultah Jazz is ranked…

Traditional NBA Center+ Modern NBA Center=Joel Embiid

Can you imagine a NBA center which not only has a low-post dominance but also can be a jumper that extends well past the 3-point line? If you can’t, Joel Embiid is a absolute answer for you. Joel Embiid got 42 points and 18 rebounds to lead  Philadelphia 76ers‘ overtime victory against the Charlotte Hornets. Embiid…